2020-03-19  来源:高分子科技

  近日,广东工业大学刘晓暄教授高分子光化学团队在3D打印自修复功能有机硅材料领域取得了阶段性进展,研究成果以题为“Self-healing, reprocessing and 3D printing of transparent and hydrolysis resistant silicone elastomers”发表在《亚博体育》。论文的第一作者为广东工业大学博士生刘珠,通讯作者为刘晓暄教授



图1 Schematic illustration of photo-thermal dual-curing and crosslinked networks of silicone elastomers.

  制备的双交联有机弹性体UV光辐射下,可3 s内凝胶,20 s内巯基-烯初网络基本交联完成形成初始强度,且离子交联网络不影响巯基-烯光固化网络的形成,满足SLA 3D打印的先决条件(图2)。

图2 (a) G'' and G'''' during in situ rheological test; (b) real-time infrared spectra (FTIR) of TE–IN samples

  通过变温红外(VT-IR)、动态热机械分析(DMA)及应力松弛行为验证了弹性体优异的动态可逆性(图3)。通过弹性体中离子键的动态解离和重组,可将有机硅弹性体的断裂面有效修复,修复效率可达97%以上,且多次修复后,修复效率仍可达92%以上(图4图5)。此外,制备的双交联有机硅弹性体具有优异的回收性能,回收后弹性体拉伸强度可恢复90%以上,多次回收后拉伸强度仍可恢复85% 以上。回收后弹性体仍具有优异的自修复性能,多次修复后修复效率仍可达90%以上(图6)。

图3 VT-IR spectra of TE–IN10, (a) peak shift as heated from 40 to 120 °C by 10 °C/min, (b) peak shift during cooled from 120 to 40 °C by 10 °C/min. Variation of storage modulus E′ under various temperatures as a function of time, (c) IN samples, (d) TE–IN10 samples. Normalized stress-relaxation curves, (g) TE–IN10 samples under different temperatures and (h) elastomers containing various ionic bonds at 60 °C, (c) Linear fitting of relaxation time (τ) versus temperature according to the Arrhenius'' equation, (d) Stress relaxation activation energy (Ea) of samples with various ionic bonds.

图4 Illustration of self-healing mechanism.

图5 (a) Repeated macro-repairing of damaged TE–IN10 samples. Stress-strain curves of virgin and self-healed silicone elastomers, (b) epeatedly healed TE–IN10 samples, (c) TE–IN10, TE–IN20 and TE–IN30 samples healed at 100 °C for 12 h.

图6 Photographs for the reprocessing of TE–IN10 samples. (b-c) Stress-strain curves of virgin and reprocessed silicone elastomers, (b) repeatedly reprocessed TE–IN10 samples from 80 meshes, (c) self-healing properties of repeated reprocessed TE–IN10 samples.

  制备的双交联有机硅弹性体具有优异的透明度。随着离子网络含量的增加,可见光透光率仍可达90%以上,多次高温热修复及回收后,可见光透光率仍可高达85%以上(图7)。弹性体具有优异的抗水解性能,即使80 ℃热水处理48h,弹性体的力学性能、E''和Tg均无明显降低,此外,经80 ℃热水处理48h,弹性体试样仍具有高达90 %以上的修复效率(图7)。

图7 Transmittance of (a) silicone elastomers containing various ionic bonds, (b) TE–IN10 samples with different healing times, (c) stress-strain curves and (d) storage modulus E'' and tan δ of TE–IN10 samples after hydro-thermally treated.

  有机硅弹性体配方通过Form 2桌面式SLA 3D打印机,可打印出表面光滑和轮廓清晰的弹性体实体(如“GDUT”校名缩写,“齿轮”和“幸运星”),且有机颜料加入后不会影响固化速率。此外,3D打印出弹性体实体具有优异的自修复性能,多次修复后,自修复效率仍可达99%以上。表明3D打印层状堆叠不影响离子网络的分布及可逆解离—重组过程。

图8 (a) Schematic of SLA-based 3D printing. (b) 3D printed various geometries from TE–IN10 formula with different pigments, “GDUT” with 1.0 wt% RP–355, “Toothed Gears” in turn with 0.05 wt% BP–825, 0.05 wt% RP–355, and 1.0 wt.% BP–825, “Ascendant” with 0.05 wt% RP–355. (c) Photographs of self-healing 3D printed “Ascendant”. (d) Stress-strain curves of repeatedly self-healed 3D printed samples after 100 °C for 12 h.



  作者所在课题组的主研方向为高分子光化学,包括巯基-烯光点击化学、3D打印弹性体、3D打印自修复材料和多功能光引发剂,相关成果发表在《亚博体育》、《亚博体育》《亚博体育YABO亚博官方网站》《亚博体育》、《Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry》、《亚博体育》(Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Chemistry - ChemPhotoChem)和《亚博体育YABO亚博官方网站》等该领域TOP国际主流期刊上。

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H. Xiang, X. Wang, Z. Liu, L. Zhang*, X. Liu*, UV-curable, 3D printable and biocompatible silicone elastomers, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2019, 137: 105372. 

http://doi.org/10.1016/j.porgcoat. 2019.105372


