美国路易斯安娜理工大学Yuri M. Lvov教授到橡塑材料重点实验室访问
2014-09-24  来源:中国聚合物网

    9月23日,路易斯安娜理工大学(Louisiana Tech University)Yuri M. Lvov教授应邀来到橡塑重点实验室,为高分子学院师生做了名为“Clay nanotube composites with sustained release of chemical inhibitors”的学术报告。

    重点实验室主任赵树高教授、副主任邱桂学教授、史新妍副教授代表重点重点实验室对Yuri Lvov教授的来访表示欢迎并就双方的合作前景做了初步探讨。


    会后,在实验室副主任史新妍陪同下,Yuri Lvov教授参观了重点实验室,他充分肯定了实验室的成绩,表示这是具有国际先进水平的实验室,希望与重点实验室研究团队共同开展相关研究工作,制备出高性能的橡胶纳米复合材料,共同取得系列学术上的成果,提升我校在纳米技术领域的研究层次与水平。

Yuri Lvov

    Dr. Yuri Lvov is an expert on micromanufacturing and a professor of chemistry, and the Tolbert Pipes Eminent Endowed Chair on Micro and Nanosystems at the Institute for Micromanufacturing, Louisiana Tech University.[1] He earned his B.S. degree from Moscow State University, Russia in 1974 and his Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry (protein crystallography) from the same university in 1979. He subsequently worked at the Max Planck Institute), the Japanese ERATO Supramolecule Project, and the USA Naval Research Laboratory before coming to Louisiana Tech in 1999. He was named to his professorship in 2004.

    His area of specialization is nanotechnology, specifically the nanoassembly of ultrathin organized films, bio/nanocomposites, nano/construction of ordered shells on tiny templates (drug nanocapsules, shells on microbes and viruses), and clay nanotubes for controlled release of bioactive agents. Lvov holds 9 US and Japanese patents on nanoassembly. He was among pioneers of the polyelectrolyte layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly - a nanotechnology method which was first described in papers in 1993. LbL nanoassembly has already found industrial applications including eye lens modification, improvement of cellulose fiber for better fabric and paper, microcapsules for insulin sustained release and cancer drug nanocapsules.


Best of Small Tech National Innovator Award, 2007

Medal for Best Research Achievements from Louisiana Tech University, 2005

Royal Chemical Society Publication Award, 1999, UK;

Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, 1991–1993, Germany;

Member, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,

Member, American Chemical Society,

Member, TAPPI (Technical Association for Pulp and Paper Industry)


