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祝贺FPAM课题组张精兵的研究论文被ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering期刊接收!

Journal: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Manuscript ID: sc-2022-05613c.R2

Title: "A Simple, Low Cost, and Green Method for Preparing Strong, Tough and Ductile Poly (lactic acid) Materials with Good Transparency and Heat Resistance"

Author(s): Kuang, Tairong; Zhang, Jingbing; Chen, Feng; Fei, Yanpei; Zhou, Hongfu; Weng, Yunxuan; Liu, Tong; Yang, Jintao; Zhong, Mingqiang

Manuscript Status: Accept

Dear Dr. Kuang:

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

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Thank you for selecting ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering as your research publication medium.


Prof. Michael Meier

Associate Editor

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Email: meier-office@sustain.acs.org