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2009-12-24 来源:EC
关键词:涂料工业 coatings industry 科尼尔 A.T. Kearney
    科尼尔(A.T. Kearney)管理咨询公司Tobias Lewe博士认为涂料行业即使在金融衰退时,仍然是具有吸引力和可持续增长的潜力行业。据Tobias Lewe博士讲,涂料工业在西欧具有未来可预见性的稳定发展,而在东欧和亚洲将迅猛发展。他同时讲解了要实现持续的成功的重要关键因素。
附英文:An attractive industry with attractive margins
Dr. Tobias Lewe, A.T. Kearney, talks about why the coatings industry – even during the financial downturn – is still attractive and bears sustainable growth potential. According to him, the industry in Western Europe remains stable in the foreseeable future, but locations in East Europe and Asia are growth engines. He further explains important key factors to achieve sustained success.
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